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School Improvement

“I have always made the point with school leaders that the great danger for leaders is that they overdo the “answers” and neglect the “questions.” So those for whom the leader is responsible are inclined to seek permission or require advice on how to solve the problem and the easiest – but often the worst – thing the leader can do is to provide the answer. So, I believe the skill is of the “nuance” leader is to ask questions rather than supply answers. That’s not to say that they never have to provide the answer, but it shouldn’t be their default position. Connected with that is the need for them to always think aloud or “speculate” to encourage exploration of the issue.”

Tim Brighouse Quoted in Nuance by Michael Fullan

Question 1;

How can we improve staff well-being so as to improve outcomes for children?

How will we check this is working?

Reciprocal accountability is embedded and actions are taking place and having impact.

How will we know it is working?

The process is embedded and is improving outcomes and well-being.

What do we want to achieve by the end of the year?   

Staff are becoming self-actualising and teaching is improving because of this: outcomes for children improve.

Question 2;

How can we improve our curriculum to be more focused, inclusive and diverse, so it is sequenced and coherent?         

How will we check this is working?

The Harmony Project is being implement, and is improving outcomes.        

How will we know it is working?

The Harmony Project is in place and is more coherent, the children are learning more and are more engaged.      

What do we want to achieve by the end of the year?

A clear curriculum web is in place that demonstrates diversity and inclusion and is coherent.    

Question 3

How can we improve our praxis in inclusion, ensuring that all children are engaged in learning and that there is good ipsative progress for all?

How will we check this is working?

The Harmony Project is being implemented, and Inclusion is at the heart of this.

How will we know it is working?

Inclusive practice is demonstrable.          

What do we want to achieve by the end of the year?

Qualitative analysis shows that children on the SEND register and specifically children with EHCPs are progressing as well as similar children and that praxis is improving.     

Question 4

How can we improve attendance so that all children are in school learning and happy?  

How will we check this is working?

The plan is embedded and being developed.    

How will we know it is working?

Attendance monitoring shows that there are fewer persistent absentees and that overall absence is moving closer to national comparators.  

What do we want to achieve by the end of the year?

Absence levels are at national comparator levels and there is a reduction in persistent absentees