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Match of the Day Filming at Crystal Palace Dome - Year 3 Meeting the Men and Women’s 1st Team Players

Easter Egg Hunt

A Few Photos from World Book Day...

Staff Panto for the Children - Happy Christmas!

Staff Panto for the Children - Cinderella

Christmas Lunch

Rock Steady Concert

Rock Steady Concert

Rock Steady Concert

Rock Steady Concert

Anti-Bullying Theatre Show and Workshops

Spring Bulb Competition Winners! We won a Trophy and £400 towards an educational visit to a Public Garden

Anti Bullying Week - odd sock day

Diwali Celebrations

Cricket Festival - 5th October 2023

Rock Steady Friday in Mistletoe Class



Rock Steady Friday in Mistletoe Class

Year 6 Production of The Wizard of Oz

Year 5 Steel Pans Concert





Year 5 Steel Pans Concert

KS2 Sports Day Races

KS2 Sports Day

Rock Stead Band Concert










Rock Steady Band Concert

Rock Steady Band Concert

Rock Steady Band Concert

Rock Steady Band Concert

Rock Steady Band Concert

Year 6 Theatre Trip to see The Wizard of Oz

Year 5 Shine Project at Bromley High


Year 5 Shine Project at Bromley High

Year 5 Shine Project at Bromley High

Voting For Our New House Captains

Year 5 Shine Project at Bromley High

Wells House - `Fun in the Sun' for Winning the Most Tokens for Healthy Eating

Mylo - Our `Pets As Therapy Dog'

Rock Steady Music

Rock Steady Music

Rock Steady Music

Celebration Picnic for The King's Coronation

Children Enjoying Activities in Preparation for The King's Coronation

Year 5 Music Lesson with `Rock Steady' Call and Response Song From South Africa

Year 5 Music Lesson with `Rock Steady' Call and Response Song From South Africa

Child-Led Assembly Teaching The Other Children All About Eid

Year 6 Practising Their Drumming Before Their Performance at the Fairfield Halls

Easter Egg Hunt

"Wear a Hat Day" to raise money for Brain Tumour Research

Year 3/4 Spring Assembly




Rock Steady Music School

Tim, from Rock Steady Music School, visited Southborough this morning and taught the children drums, electric guitar, keyboards and what it takes to be in a rock band. The children loved it and had amazing fun! See the fantastic videos below. We definitely have some budding rock stars at Southborough.
Mr Fotheringham

Science Assembly - Some children talked about what they had been doing in class this week for science, and a couple of children did some science experiments. The first one was how the lungs and diaphragm work using balloons and a plastic bottle, the second one was about forces - using a balloon, straw and string and lastly the very popular coke and mints experiment!

Mistletoe Class - chalking our favourite book characters on the playground

Mistletoe Class - Drawing our favourite book characters with Mr F

World Book Day 2023 - Potato Characters

Street Dance Performance in Assembly - Friday 10th February

During a School Council meeting, the children said they would like some more books for their classroom. We decided that the children could wear their pyjamas to school for a day in exchange for a donation of a book for their class.

Christmas Singalong in the Hall

Sportshall Athletics Report

Indoor Athletics - Year 5/6 Athletics Team Came 3rd in Bromley

Winners of the Positive Picture Competition

Well done to the Year 6 netball team who came joint 4th out of all the Bromley Schools

Wear Blue Day for Anti-Bullying

Anti Bullying Week - The Bruised Apple Lesson with Year 4

Anti Bullying Week - Positivity Assembly and Odd Sock Day

Yesterday a gentleman from the Hindu Temple visited our school and performed a wonderful assembly. He told us about Hinduism and the story of Rama and Sita. It was a really exciting and interesting assembly with role play and beautiful costumes. All the children from Years 1-6 thoroughly enjoyed it. It was an amazing assembly. Thank you to Mrs Chivukula who organised it.

A few photos from our special Diwali Assembly