  • Southborough Lane,
  • Bromley, BR2 8AA.
  • 020 8467 2343
Southborough Primary School
Every Child a Star

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Our news

  • School is closed.

    Sun 22 Mar 2020
    School is closed until further notice. Stay at Home. Protect the NHS. Save Lives. You should only send your child to school on if you have to, and only if you have been offered a place, because your work is critical to our Covid-19 response. if you are able to keep your child at home you should. 
  • Covid 19 update

    Tue 17 Mar 2020

    Update 17/3/20


    This  is to update you on the actions the school is taking in light of the new advice from government about Covid 19.

    It is essential that you are aware of and act on the advice, it can be found here:

    The staff will be changing how they work in light of this advice and we will be changing some things in the school, the things that you need to be aware of and act on are;

    1. To avoid large gatherings in the playground at the start and the end of the day we will be having “soft” opening and closing. By this I mean the children will come into school from 8:45am, into their classes and start the day from there, as if it was raining. At the end of the day could Key Stage 1 take their children into the playground from 3:00, and Key Stage 2 from 3:10, so that they can leave with without unnecessary waiting around. Could you make sure that you drop your children off and leave the playground in the morning and pick your children up and leave the playground in the afternoon as soon as you have got your children.
    2. Please make sure that you pay attention to the advice about self-isolation and act on this advice. Please inform yourself and be aware if the advice changes and is updated.
    3. We will be stopping all visitors to the school, unless their visit is absolutely necessary.
    4. We will stop assemblies, there will be no Friday assemblies until further notice.
    5. We will cancel parents evening for next week, apologies about this but this is unavoidable.
    6. We will cancel all trips, apart from school journey and the year 6 trips due this week.
    7. We will consider extending lunch times to avoid queues and waiting around, we will talk to Chartwells about how best to do this and inform you of the plan for this later.
    8. The year 3 and 4 performance will be cancelled.
    9. We will make sure that the children are washing their hands properly and that they are clear what this means, ensure that they are washing their hands for a full 20 seconds, it would really help if you encouraged this at home also.
    10. It is clear to me that some children are very worried about the situation. You can help by talking sensitively to them and by supportive of your child’s concerns and by letting us know if they are anxious so that we can also be supportive of this at school and address their anxiety, through social stories and so on.

    I am sure that we can make these changes work and that this will make the school a safer place for the foreseeable future.

    Thanks you for your ongoing support and help and hard work.

  • Year 6 pupils have arrived safely

    Mon 16 Mar 2020
    Year 6 pupils have arrived safely at Marchant's Hill for the school journey.